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Geocomputation with R
Modules using the book
- CASA0005 Geographic Information Systems and Science, Andy MacLachlan and Adam Dennett, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, Univeristy College London
- ECS530 Analysing spatial data, Roger Bivand, Norwegian School of Economics
- GEOG 495 and 595: Geographic Data Analysis, University of Oregon
- ESPM 288: Reproducible and Collaborative Data Science, Berkeley University of California
- ENVR_SCI 390-0 “R Data Science” - Special Topics in Environmental Sciences Northwestern University
- PD-15 - R for Geospatial Analysis and Mapping, University Consortium for Geographic Information Science
- CRD 298: Spatial Methods in Community Research, Professor Noli Brazil, University of California, Davis
- CP6521 Advanced GIS, Yongsun Lee, Georgia Tech
- Urban Data Analytics in R, Nikhil Kaza, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Geospatial Analytics, taught by Dr Nick Tate as part of the MSc in Geographical Information Science at the Unversity of Leicester, UK.
- GEOG 28402 & 28403: Geographic Information Science II & III, Marynia Kolak at the Center for Spatial Data Science, Unversity of Chicago
Other teaching courses/lectures/guides using the book
Book reviews
I first read the first edition around 3 years ago and was astounded that everything I had been doing piecemeal in Q, Arc, and with some sf functions could be done in an orderly manner and finally the geospatial libraries were accessibly explained. Sadly at the time I did not get past the first part and thought “this is great! but need to move on!”. A month or so ago I sat down to reread the book in its entirety, with the move to terra etc.
Beautiful book: A must-read if you’re into data analytics/science with R and do geospatial analysis.
See the rest of these reviews and maybe add your own review here.
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